Friday, 30 May 2014

I Feel I am Rich When......

I feel I am rich when........

......I see my child win a prize in his school.

Iamge courtesy -source

….I see my son defeat me in a  game of chess.

Image courtesy dreamstime

.....when I bicycle with my kid in the evenings, even if it means missing the ‘networking' cocktail-meet at the office.

 Image courtesy amazonaws  and  breezetree

….when after an absorbing day at work, I juggle balls for the kids in the park, and watch their gleeful faces.

Image courtesy peoplenrg  and

........when I win an argument with my wife, without her losing the love and trust.

Image courtesy dailymail  and  theurbanwoman

I feel I am rich when I am able to remain by the side of a friend who needs me.

Image courtesy

I feel I am rich when I am able to stay by my old parents when they need me most, even if it means losing that foreign placement opportunity.

Image courtesy conviviumcare

I feel I am rich when I vote knowing that Its me who is making someone a king.

Image courtesy stockmarkettechnicals  and mowingthelaw

I feel I am rich when I am able to guard my values

Image courtesy and thefinancialbrand

I feel I am rich when I am able to preserve my honour, even if it means loosing my temper.  

Image courtesy marketingforhippies

I feel I am rich when I know  that what I did today will bring me a better tomorrow.

Image courtesy mrwallpaper

I feel rich when I feel rich from within......

Image courtesy teamwildathletics

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This post is written for Indinspire edition 15 in Indiblogger on an idea  provided by Arvind Passey


Edition 15


Ideas for Edition 16

Propose an idea

Images are symbolic, used for illustration purpose only. Source for images is  mentioned near the images with a backlink.

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