I feel I am rich when........
......I see my child win a prize in his school.
….I see my son defeat me in a game of chess.
.....when I bicycle with my kid in the evenings, even if it means missing the ‘networking' cocktail-meet at the office.
….when after an absorbing day at work, I juggle balls for the kids in the park, and watch their gleeful faces.
........when I win an argument with my wife, without her losing the love and trust.
I feel I am rich when I am able to remain by the side of a friend who needs me.
I feel I am rich when I am able to stay by my old parents when they need me most, even if it means losing that foreign placement opportunity.
I feel I am rich when I vote knowing that Its me who is making someone a king.

I feel I am rich when I am able to guard my values
I feel I am rich when I am able to preserve my honour, even if it means loosing my temper.
I feel I am rich when I know that what I did today will bring me a better tomorrow.
Image courtesy mrwallpaper
I feel rich when I feel rich from within......
Image courtesy teamwildathletics
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This post is written for Indinspire edition 15 in Indiblogger on an idea provided by Arvind Passey
Edition 15

RICH. Write a post on your interpretation of this word.#RICH
Posted by Arvind Passey under Humour
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